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lundi, 06 novembre 0778 00:00

ManageLock COMPACT

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ManageLOCK-Compact is a smart, online electronic lock solution designed for ATMs, bank branches and similar high security and access-requiring cash registers (TCR). The control unit in the standard size and shape of the safe lock allows it to be mounted on all TCR safes that support double locks and on featured ATM products.

ManageLOCK- Compact (TCR Model) provides double-password protection and eliminates the costs of forgetting the password and detonating the safe, which are common in TCR safes. It can prevent the opening of the safe from the center and works integrated with the IK application, automatically preventing people leaving their jobs. It restricts employees on leave and gives automatic authorization to on-duty personnel. It automatically restricts access on holidays and outside of working hours, and provides automatic access to the technical team when the fault record is opened. ManageLOCK Compact TCR Model; It is fully compatible with the BRSA password change and the Central Bank's “money safe” feature.

Click for more detailed information about the product .


9330 view (s) Last modified on jeudi, 15 avril 2021 13:06

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